
Border Field State Park – The Most Southwestern Place in California

Border Field State Park, one of the properties cared for by the California Department of Parks and Recreation, is a beautiful example of relatively undisturbed sand and salt bush habitat that is located within the Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve (say THAT 3 times fast!).

With 1.5 miles of peaceful beach (though it is too dangerous for swimming with many rips and inshore holes and no lifeguards in sight) as well as hours of awesome walking trails for horse riding, cycling, and hiking there is a lot to discover and enjoy. It is home to a wide variety of bird life including critically threatened and endangered birds such as the Western Snowy Plover, the California Least Tern, and the Light-footed Ridgway’s Rail.

Rubi and Scott taking a selfie at the BFSP monument sign
Rubi and Scott taking a selfie at the BFSP monument sign
Interpretive sign providing information about the estuary as a bird sanctuary
The estuary as a bird sanctuary

Historical Stuff – Who knew?

The park was created in 1971 by President Richard Nixon as part of his “Legacy of Parks” program based on the 372 acres that were approved for purchase by California voters back in 1964. In 1980 a further 500 acres to the North were purchased by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from a land development company (under protest by the sounds of it as they really wanted to build an upscale marina).

In 1982 the area was officially designated a National Estuarine Research Reserve, and in 2005 the United Nation’s Ramsar Convention on Wetlands designated it a “Wetland of Importance”.

What is this Estuary thing anyway?

The Estuary (essentially a place where river/non-salty water mixes with ocean/salty water) provides an important habitat for fish and bird life cycles, and with all the emphasis on coastal development in recent years there are too few areas like this left.

The Estuarine Research Reserve is used for observation, research, and conservation of the wildlife that need this special type of environment to thrive and reproduce.

Three people horse riding on the soft, sandy beach of Border Field State park, with blue waves foaming in the background
Three people horse riding on the beach of Border Field State Park

What is it like at Border Field State Park?

Only 15 miles south of San Diego, this is a natural habitat full of bird and animal life, which is perfect for walking, mountain biking and horse riding (don’t have a horse? various nearby facilities will be happy to take you on a beach ride).

There is a carpark at the entrance to the park where a number of walking trails start. Here you can find an interesting community-created sculpture called “The Elderberry Communitree” (created as a mosaic by various local artists and schoolchildren) that helps to conceal a chainlink fence surrounded storage area. At the opposite end of the carpark from the sculpture, near the very entrance to the carpark, some portable toilets are set up. Adjacent to the carpark is a well tended picnic area with sculpted concrete benches and raised platforms.

When the park is open to vehicles there is a toll booth a quarter mile down the road into the park where a $7 fee for vehicular entry needs to be paid.

Picnic Benches on Monument Mesa with a view of the Border Wall and Tijuana seen in the distance
The picnic benches and sail-shaded area of Monument Mesa

One of the main attractions of the park would have to be the views from Monument Mesa, a well-equipped picnic area right next to the border that overlooks the ocean and the border wall as it stretches out into the sea. Somewhat isolated on the Californian side, the breeze can sometimes carry the sounds of the popular Tijuana beach often including lively music (though somehow without breaking the enchantment of the area).

The picnic area includes public restrooms, a carpark (not always accessible), grassy areas, barbecues and picnic benches under wide shade sails. Somewhat of a hidden gem, Monument Mesa offers a quiet place to enjoy the sun, read a book, picnic with the family and many other outdoor activities.

Not to be forgotten, the park has numerous walking trails that are good for hiking, mountain biking and horse riding. Local stables take small groups of riders through the park for a fee, and horses are seen frequently throughout Border Field State Park and especially the beach so it appears to be a favored place for exercising horses. Keep in mind it is a flatlands area with little to no shade: We recommend you take water with you and wear a hat and sunscreen.

Monument Mesa and the Friendship Circle/Friendship Park

Monument Mesa appears to have gotten its name from the presence of Border Monument number 258, which officially marks the southwestern corner of the Continental United States, even though it actually sits on the Mexican side of the border fence. Unfortunately, at the time of writing this article access to Friendship Park and the Friendship Circle has been closed due to a lack of staffing and other priorities.

Anecdotally we have heard that at one time it was possible to shake hands with people on the other side of the border, with reports that even the border patrol agents were buying food from vendors on the Tijuana side through the fence. Changes in the political climate over the last 20 years have led to two layers of fencing between the US and Mexican sides and the actual fence near the monument is made of close-knit mesh: only fingertips could touch through it were the area to be opened again.

The gated and closed off entrance to Friendship Park on Monument Mesa
The gated and closed off entrance to Friendship Park on Monument Mesa
Signs in Carpark of Border field State Park stating park closed
Signs showing that Border Field State Park was definitely closed

Does there have to be a downside?

It’s important to check the current status of the park on their website before you go or your enjoyable trip may come to a disappointing early end.

Unfortunately, when there is heavy rain in the region, an overflow of wastewater and sewage can flow over the border from the nearby developments in Tijuana and close the roads leading to the picnic area and often also the other trails for public health and safety. Public access is not guaranteed (see the before you go details below).

Our Verdict: is it “Ready for Takeoff” or should you “Find another Getaway”?

A great place to bird-watch, and some great walking trails with wide scenic views, the park has a lot to offer and is worth a visit (Go!) to enjoy the amazing views from Monument Mesa and to walk along the beautiful beach… but make sure you read below first!

Takeoff Getaway Seal of Approval

How to Get to Border Field State Park

Border Field State Park is in the most South Western corner of California. Multiple Interstates and Highways converge into that area:

  • Take I-5 South and taking exit 2 (before accidentally entering Mexico there are signs warning you that you are approaching the last exit) and then driving along Dairy Mart Road in Imperial Beach until it becomes Monument Road which takes you all the way there.
  • Or take I-15 South until it merges to I-5, then take exit 2 and drive along Dariy Mart Road until it changes into Monument Road which you follow to the end.
  • Otherwise Take I-805, merge to CA-905 west at exit 1C and then take exit 1B to I-5 South/Oro Vista Road. Stay left towards Oro Vista Road as that (after the end of freeway signs, still don’t go towards I-5 South) takes you merge onto Tocaya Ave from which you can turn left onto Hollister Street which will take you to monument road (turn right/west).


Make sure to check the Border Field State Park page on the website ON YOUR DAY OF TRAVEL for the latest information on park access (the yellow or red info box that appears at the top of the page is hard to miss). Especially if you are travelling some distance to get there, it is quite upsetting to discover you can’t get in upon arrival (yes, it happened to us LOL… read our Vlog-Blog to know more about our misadventure!).

A red info box near the top of the website will inform you that you won’t be allowed past the front carpark… and don’t get me wrong, it’s a nice carpark and even has a cool community created sculpture, but it’s not the same as being in the park itself.

If access by car is prohibited (details inside a yellow info box) but all other access is ok, make sure to pack water and consider taking snacks for walking the trails. It is a roughly 1 hour trek each way to get to Monument Mesa via the trails and beach. The initial trails are quite flat and easy to navigate but walking 30 minutes on beach sand can be quite tiring and may be problematic for people with mobility issues.

Cost of Entry for Vehicles

When there is no sign of the dreaded red or yellow info boxes then access by car is allowed: It’s just a quick 5-minute drive from the outer entrance to the Monument Mesa car park but be aware there is a $7 charge per vehicle for access by car (bring cash).

Be Sun Smart! There is almost no shade when you are walking in Border Field State Park so make sure to wear a hat, use sunscreen, and bring plenty of water to drink. You can find water fountains at the top of Monument Mesa, but it would be unwise to depend on just those. Shade can be found on Monument Mesa from sails placed over the picnic benches, but you have to get there first!

Accommodation Options near Border Field State Park

Lastly if you need accommodation, or a place to park your RV, check out the new Tijuana River Valley Camp Ground that is literally 5 minutes walk down Monument Road.  It has very new facilities, awesome looking yurts to stay in, and in our experience very friendly staff who are happy to help you.  With San Diego just a short distance away you also have numerous options for airbnb, vrbo or conventional hotel stays.

Answers to Important Questions

When this article was written there were two sets of bathrooms:

  1. First set were portable toilets near the entrance to the park (just to the left as you drive in to the entrance carpark.
  2. On top of Monument Mesa there is quite a nice public toilet building that appeared to be wheelchair accessible (though Monument Mesa is not always accessible by car – see “Things to Know” on this page).

At the time of writing this article there were no Food or Drink vendors at Border Field State Park. No vending machines were seen. There were drinking fountains on top of Monument Mesa and public barbecues, but it would be wise to bring plenty of water and food/snacks with you.

Dogs (which need to be leashed at all times) are allowed only on the roads leading to Monument Mesa and in the Monument Mesa picnic area. Please don’t disturb the wildlife by taking them on the trails or on the beach.

Drone flight is prohibited in the area due to the nearby navy airfield (you’ll likely hear and see helicopters on maneuvers) as well as the status as a wildlife sanctuary.
Want to see more of the park? Watch our adventure below!