The view of the Tian Tan Temple and the lush surrounding mountains from the raised platform of the Tian Tan Buddha, Hong Kong

About Us


Hi everybody!  We are Rubi & Scott, a happy, loving couple who enjoy exploring and discovering the wonders the world has to offer!  Takeoff Getaway was was started in 2021 as, despite the pandemic, our desires and passions for travel could no longer be kept at bay!

Over the last few years, some of our favorite moments have been when we take off on our little getaways so we took the decision to start making our dreams come true to gradually make traveling our lifestyle!

Rubi and Scott taking a selfie with a huge luck cat statue in Ngong Ping, Hong Kong
With a Happy Luck Cat in Ngong Ping, Hong Kong

Our Goal

Rubi and Scott taking a selfie in front of the Chichen Itza pyramid, Mexico
From our amazing 2018 visit to Chichen Itza near Cancun, Mexico

There are so many amazing places in this world to see, so many hundreds of unique cultures to experience, so many things that just make you stand back and go “wow”… and we want to try and see them all.

Did you know that Mexico has a canyon bigger than the Grand Canyon?  We want to see it!  Did you know that the floating islands from the movie Avatar were based on amazing rock formations in China?  We want to see those too!  From naturally pink lakes, to the the lowest point below sea level, there are plenty of marvels, mysteries and awesome things to experience.

Our hope is to start travelling all around California initially to see all the amazing sights here first, taking a serpentine path from the most southwest border of California and eventually making our way to the top.

Our dream is to eventually travel internationally full time and see as many of the unique and wonderful experiences that exist all over the world… and when we do we hope you’ll come with us!

Be a Part of our Adventures!

Come along with us as we vlog our journey!

Watch us (Rubi and Scott) on YouTube to enjoy our adventures as we start ticking off some of these experiences starting in our home state of California, and as we plan and begin to travel the USA and the rest of our amazing world!

Our Motto

Discover, Explore, Enjoy!!

Join us as we make this dream a reality!

We Are